Purchasing Mickabooh’s Enterprise+ package allows you to take your data storage to the next level: the cloud. With this package, Mickabooh will store the data from your applications online, so you will be able to access it from your Mickabooh applications on any computer with an internet connection. This package will also allow your Mickabooh products to integrate with one another for a better
Cloud storage
5 installations of the DA Toolkit
Multiple off-site backups
Include coating thickness with reports
Priority technological support
Access to new updates
Gain access to exclusive data analysis applications

The DA Toolkit is a downloadable application that connects to your data storage, and allows you to see it the way that makes sense to you the most.
A few notable features include:
- Dock-able window based layout
- Customizable charts and grids
- Search by date, or by work order
- Remotely check up on all of your company’s rectifiers
- Compare multiple runs via chart
- Generate trend reports that track many runs over time
For more information, click here.

The DA Webkit is an online counterpart to the Toolkit that act similarly to the Toolkit, although with a lighter capacity.
The current feature set includes:
- Customizable grids
- Track run time, amp-hours, and rectifier efficiency
- Compare multiple runs via chart
The Webkit will continue to recieve updates in the future as well so contact us if you have any feedback. It will be considered.